Retired Members Section Lifetime Achievement Award

Retired Members Section Lifetime Achievement Award

Dedicated, knowledgeable and creative library staff are the key to the success of libraries in New Jersey. The Retired Members Section Lifetime Achievement Award was created to recognize exemplary achievements throughout their career by a New Jersey librarian making a significant contribution through sustained effort. Through the Retired Members Section Lifetime Achievement Award, the New Jersey Library Association seeks to recognize a retired member of the profession who has made a statewide impact on library services in New Jersey during their career.

Please note: the nominee need not excel in all of the criteria below to be nominated.



One award will be given to an individual. The award winner will be chosen by a sub-committee of the Retired Members Section.

Nominees should be an outstanding librarian associated with library services who:

  • Improved library services through sustained contributions
  • Promoted the use of the library and its services to their community
  • Initiated significant library service or activity
  • Supported the principles of intellectual freedom
  • Advanced inter-library cooperation to expand resources/services
  • Lifelong library advocate (could be demonstrated by actions taken in a local, state or national advocacy organization)
  • Contributed to NJLA during their professional career
  • Mentored other librarians during their career
  • Showed creativity, innovation, leadership and intellectual or moral courage during their career
  • Strengthened the library role in their community

The nominee must be a current member of NJLA and a certified librarian who is still contributing to the profession post-retirement and continues to keep up with library trends.

Submission form: