Organizational Updates
NJLA Organizational Update: September 2024
NJLA’s Executive Board met on Tuesday, September 17. Here are some of the highlights:
The Executive Board approved an agreement with Amazon, providing Enhanced Institutional Members with free access to Amazon Prime for Business, a $1299 annual value. We will discuss more details in the near future.
The Executive Board approved task forces for the Store and for Conference 2026, to guide our transition to a new iteration of the store, and a combined conference with the New Jersey Association of School Librarians at the Hard Rock.
Brett is collaborating with Tiffany McClary (NJ State Library) to develop a resource to help library staff feel confident knowing what to do when journalists ask for interviews or comments. We expect to have this ready at least a week before ALA’s United Against Book Bans Community Day of Action on October 19, 2024.
Eileen Palmer, Vice Chair of NJLA’s Intellectual Freedom Committee, is coordinating New Jersey libraries’ participation in the United Against Book Bans Community Day of Action on October 19. Five NJ libraries have signed on, and we encourage libraries throughout the state to participate. Visit the Community Day of Action website for information kits and the participant list. Please let us know if you want to sign up!
The Executive Board passed a Statement in Support of Pay Transparency for All New Jersey Library Workers. The accompanying NJLA Job Hotline Policy will go into effect on January 1, 2025.
NJLA President, Jeff Cupo, is visiting Unsung Libraries. This month, he visited the Somerset County Library System’s Bound Brook Memorial Library’s Digital Van and Bayonne Public Library.
LibraryLinkNJ is leading a coalition with NJLA to create an IMLS grant to fund EDI work in New Jersey libraries. Ozy Aloziem, the consultant the coalition hired, previously helped Denver Public Library receive a similar grant. This grant would continue that work, which is one of IMLS’s priorities.
NJLA is reviewing new website and Association Management Software options (MemberClicks replacements). The list of semi-finalists started with 28 potential vendors. NJLA should select its next partners before the end of the month.
The Executive Board approved agreements with four credit unions last month. The Credit Union of New Jersey is offering membership at no charge to NJLA members. We will update you on the others as their NJLA partnership is approved:
Board meetings are open and we welcome your attendance. You can also find Organizational Updates on the NJLA website.
We would love to hear your feedback about this update or any other NJLA service. Please contact us at [email protected].