NJAL Distinguished Service Award

NJAL Distinguished Service Award

Do you know a librarian whose contribution to academic librarianship in New Jersey deserves recognition? The NJ Academic Librarians Section of NJLA invites you to nominate someone (or even yourself) for the NJLA NJAL/ACRL-NJ Distinguished Service Award. The award, presented at the 2024 NJLA Annual Conference, will be given to a librarian who has had distinguished service or achievement within the New Jersey academic community.
This award is not limited to persons who have received national recognition. It is intended to honor any person who, by his or her outstanding contributions, has directly enriched librarianship in higher education in New Jersey.

Nominations should include the following information:

  • Your name and contact information
  • Nominee’s name, contact information, present position, and education
  • Nominee’s vita
  • A description of their noteworthy contribution in one or more of the following areas:
    • Service in professional associations;
    • Innovation in library services and management;
    • Achievements in collection development and management;
    • Contribution to the literature of librarianship;
    • Excellence in teaching;
    • Or other evidence for consistent dedication to the needs of New Jersey academic libraries and the librarians who serve them

Please take time to help us recognize another worthy colleague this year. Use the online submission form to upload your statement and all supporting materials: https://forms.gle/D8GpoztkvLeCZY9CA

Monday, March 31, 2025


Previous recipients include: Kate Skrebutenas, Bonnie Lafazan, Christina Connor, Heather Dalal, Adriana Mamay, Amanda Piekart, Nancy Weiner, Robert Lackie, Jay Lucker, Arthur E. Jones, John Cohn, Daniel O'Connor, Sister Anita Talar, Maureen Gorman, Jeris Cassel, Anne Ciliberti, Marianne Gaunt, Richard Sweeney, Joan Getaz, Jane Crocker, Norma Blake, Judith Cohn, Luis Rodriguez, David Pinto, and Mary Mallery.