Forms & Policies

Forms and Policies


 Reimbursement Request
Reimbursement Request and Invoice for Services. Send the Payment Request Form to the NJLA Office via email, fax, or mail. Checks are processed on the 15th and the last day of month.


  Committees and Sections

Apply for a Mini Grant - NJLA committees and sections are encouraged to apply for a $750 mini grant to fund projects.

Code for Committees

Professional Development Programming Guidelines
Professional development is one of the most valuable components of NJLA membership. Every NJLA committee/section is strongly encouraged to offer one fee-based, in-person event, or one free event every two years. To create a sense of continuity, program planning should involve current leadership as well as incoming leaders and past leaders.

Promote an Event or Submit News - For inclusion in the Friday Newsletter or social media.

Submit an Event for the NJLA Calendar - Get your event listed on the NJLA calendar. Anything added to the NJLA Calendar will also be added to the Friday newsletter.

Submit a Meeting Schedule - Get your meeting schedule added to the NJLA calendar.

Template for Section Bylaws

Viability of NJLA Sections - Things to consider before submitting a petition to start a new section.


  General and Executive Board Policies

Code of Conduct
The New Jersey Library Association sponsors a variety of forums, meetings and professional development opportunities, including the annual spring Conference. The purpose of these events is to provide NJ librarians with opportunities to learn, connect and grow, which we believe to have a positive impact on the development and improvement of libraries throughout the state.

Investment Policy

Process for Special Election to the NJLA Executive Board
If the board chooses to hold a special election it should occur within 60 days. The Nominations & Elections Committee will notify the membership as soon as possible of the vacant position and invite nominations by online petition. Any interested NJLA member in good standing may apply to be a candidate at least 28 days before the election. A candidate must then be endorsed by 15 individual members, also in good standing, to be added to the ballot. Completed petitions must be received at least 14 days before the election. Adopted by the NJLA Executive Board Aug. 16, 2016

Records Retention Policy

Rules Governing Business Meetings