Enhanced Institutional Membership (EIM)



What's great about Enhanced Institutional Memberships (EIM)?

Remove barriers   Learn   Diverse
It removes the cost barrier that many library workers face  

It helps employers provide consistent continuing education and engagement opportunities


  It supports wider, more diverse participation in NJLA
Engage    Support    Cost
It creates enhanced opportunities for engagement with colleagues throughout NJLA   It supports equity, diversity, & inclusion by allowing more library workers to be active members of NJLA, making an association that better reflects NJ's racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic makeup of libraries   For many organizations, it's cost-effective because it eliminates the need to underwrite the cost of NJLA Personal Membership for multiple employees



Enhanced Institutional Membership benefits include:

 Provides NJLA memberships to all staff members
Arrow  Discounted attendance at all NJLA events for all employees
Arrow  Support from NJLA executive staff and/or relevant committees to write letters and make presentations locally when challenging issues arise
Arrow  Free advertisement with NJLA Job Hotline for ALL library positions (Value: $50 per announcement)
Arrow  Free program voucher for one staff member to attend one fee-based NJLA program for free (excluding the annual conference)
Arrow  Subscription to the New Jersey Libraries Newsletter
Arrow  Recognition as an Enhanced Institutional Member on the NJLA website



Enhanced Institutional Membership Cost

Annual Library Budget EIM Fee
$1 to $50K $150
$51k to $250k $250
$250k to $500k $325
$501k to $750k $600
$751k to $1M $780
$1.1M to $1.5M $960
$1.51M to $2.0M $1,200
$2.1M to $3.0M $1,500
$3.1M to $5.0M $1,800
$5.1M to $10M $3,600
$10.1M to $15M $6,000
$15M plus $9,000


Join the growing list of EIM member organizations. 

Please note that filling out the EIM form does not automatically activate your organization's membership. EIM is activated once payment has been received.

NJLA does not issue refunds or partial credit for overlapping memberships.

Download the flyer: EIM PDF


Link to this page: njla.org/eim